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The Python Driver

This page describes the Python interactive driver for MESA++.

What is the Python driver?
Importing the MESA++ Star module into a Python program

What is the Python driver?

The Python driver, star++, is an interactive application that uses the MESA++ C++ interface to create, load, save, evolve, and examine stellar models. It is built during the MESA++ install if the utils/makefile_headers file contains the line USE_PYTHON=YES. You will also need to supply the correct values of PYTHON_INC_DIR, PYTHON_LIB_DIR, and PYTHON_LIB, which are, respectively, the path to the Python headers, the path to the Python libraries, and the linker flag (e.g. -lpython2.5) that is needed to link the Python library into the executable.

If you go to the mesapp/star/test directory and execute star++, you will fire up a Python interactive session that has been preloaded with a star module:

    % ./star++
    mesa_data_dir = "../../../mesa/data"
    kappa_file_prefix = "gs98"
    other_kappa_file_prefix = ""
    eos_file_prefix = "mesa"
    other_eos_file_prefix = ""
    net_reaction_filename = "reactions.list"
    rates_dir = "rates"
    ppn_rate_numbers_fname = ""
    Python 2.6.6 (r266:84292, Feb  9 2011, 17:23:02)
    [GCC 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-50)] on linux2
    Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

By default, star++ initializes the various MESA physics libraries with the displayed settings. These are found in the file init.tcl, which is a Python script containing the initialization code.

You may now view the functions provided by the star module:

    >>> dir (star)
    ['__doc__', '__name__', '__package__', 'create', 'delete', 'error',
'is_initialized', 'load', 'on', 'plot', 'plot_hr',
    'restart', 'save', 'step']


This lists the functions provided by star. To get a brief description of each, look at its doc string:

    >>> star.create.__doc__
    'Create a new Star object'

The Python driver, like MESA itself, manipulates individual Star objects via an integer handle. To create a new Star object from an inlist file, use

    >>> id = star.create("inlist")
     create pre-main-sequence model
     done build_pre_ms_model
     run for a few steps to let new model converge with basic parameter settings
                           dt/dt_Courant    1.1849439168881228E+00

    stop because model_number >= max_model_number
       10       10
     done create pre main-sequence model

     net name
     v_flag = F
     kappa_file_prefix gs98
       eos_file_prefix mesa
    >>> print id

This creates a new Star with handle 1. You can also load a Star from a restart file:

    >>> id = star.restart("inlist", "star.restart")

You can evolve the star one or more time steps:

    >>> star.step(id, 10)

This evolves the Star with handle id for 10 time steps. You can explicitly save a snapshot:

    >>>, "restart", "star.restart")

At the moment, we've only implemented a snapshot save ("restart") but we will be implementing other save formats in the future.

You can produce various kinds of plots:

    >>> star.plot_hr(id)

Plots the HR diagram of the star.

    >>> star.plot(id, "M", "T")

Plots temperature versus mass. These plot options do not actually open a plot window or anything like that; they simply dump the data in a form easily readable by plotting tools such as my personal favorite, xmgrace. I like to have an xmgrace window open when I'm running star++ so I can plot a variable over successive steps and more easily see how it is changing. It's surprisinglu useful.

You can have the stepper routine execute an arbitrary script every time it completes a time step:

>>> star.on("step", "star.plot_hr(id)")

Finally, you can hit ctrl-C (or the corresponding interrupt sequence on whatever platform you are using) to cleanly stop in the middle of a sequence of time steps. The code will finish the time step it's on, then return to the command level.

Development of the star++ driver is still in its early stages, so look for more goodies to come. In particular, at Bill Paxton's suggestion, I mean to provide easy ways to change the PGStar output on the fly.

Importing the MESA++ Star module into a Python program

This section is brief, because I don't actually know how to do this. However, I know it can be done, assuming you have the patience. The details will apparently vary considerably with platform. For some tips on how to attempt this, look here.

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